MAPS: In economics we need maps to help different countries in identifying with one another. As peolple say that no one can survive in isolation same with the countries around the world, they also need one another to help them solve the problem of scarcity. One common problem that is affecting every countries economy is the problem of scarcity. in order to solve this problem trading must take place ( which is export and import) if will be difficult for countries to trade if they don't know where their trading patners are situated in the world. Maps also contribute to the tourism or tourist industrie.

 NATURAL DISASTERS: The natural disasters that happens around the world affect every one living in the world. The whole world is affected by this aspects, so if learners collaborate and work out a solutions that will help the primary sector of the economy (e.g. fishing, mining, foresty and ect). we can't stop natural disasters but a solution to prevent them from affecting our world, must be conducted by people around the world.

GLOBAL WARMING: The global warming that happens around the world affect every one living in the world. The whole world is affected by this aspects, so if learners collaborate and work out a solutions that will help the primary sector of the economy (e.g. fishing, mining, foresty and ect). we can't stop global warmingbut a solution to prevent them from affecting our world, must be conducted by people around the world

THE WAY WE ARE: The are many different cultures and values around the world, but one common goal of every country is to develop and grow their economy and people need to know that not every country will do things the same. 

WEATHER: The weather happens around the world and affect every one living in the world. The whole world is affected by this aspects, so if learners collaborate and work out a solutions that will help the primary sector of the economy (e.g. fishing, mining, foresty and ect). we can't stop or control the weather but a solution to prevent them from affecting our world, must be conducted by people around the world



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